A Historical Philosophy - Consideration of the Physical Education of the Later Romans and the Medieval Times 체육사 : 후기 로마와 중세체육에 대한 역사철학적 고찰
43(2) 3-12, 2004
A Historical Philosophy - Consideration of the Physical Education of the Later Romans and the Medieval Times 체육사 : 후기 로마와 중세체육에 대한 역사철학적 고찰
This study on the basis of existing these facts about the medieval history of physical education I comprehend that the existence - process of the medieval times substituted the later Romans for the medieval history, for the historical revaluation on the then physical education. I had considered through the historical philosophy of Hegel, as these result, as follow.
The defeat - cause of the later Romans in the world history of physical education have been presented the despise of sports, the sport centered inspection, the health - concern centered individual and the gladiatorial competition or the prevalence of the Therme with a representative an actual examples. And the stagnation - cause of the physical education in the medieval times have adjust the focus of a major portion the despise - thought on the physical - body of the Christianity. These recordings of the history of physical education have centered around the misuse, the enjoyment and the gambling of the physical education on the defeat - cause of the later Romans. We have thought that the stagnation - cause of the physical education in the medieval times caused to the despise - thought of the physical education These opinion have not accorded with the first and last, and have the broken off feeling also between both the times. I have thought that we regard as the dark ages, the medieval times by the narrow - minded an angle of view.
I have thought that the stagnation - cause of the medieval times consider to more by an historical situation - logic than by a Christian doctrine when we were based on the historical facts of the physical education in a point of view the historical philosophy of Hegel. Because the stagnation - cause of the physical education in the medieval times have originated in the sense of resistance on the persecute of the Christians in the later Romans. I have looked for the beginning with the misconception in the medieval times. Besides, I could known that the physical education of the medieval times not to be stagnated situation when we saw a great numbers of these sport items.
Therefore, it is necessary the defeat - cause of the later Romans to emphasize add restrictedly the point not more than a part of the physical education among in many chief causes in the inside and outside of the country in those days. And the history of the physical education in the medieval times have written down in centering around the Christian doctrine, but we must to understand with the historical situation of these both times. And I decide that we need to the considering effort the stagnation - cause of the physical education in medieval times by the law of cause and effect. Therefore, a practical possibility of the intrinsic character of sports in the physical education is the great big, and we must to be applied and utilized to it.
Key Words
the later romans
Civilization Process, Sport, and Asian Martial Arts 체육철학 : 문명화과정과 스포츠, 그리고 동양무예
43(2) 15-23, 2004
Civilization Process, Sport, and Asian Martial Arts 체육철학 : 문명화과정과 스포츠, 그리고 동양무예
The Purpose of this study is to investigate the social-cultural relationship among civilization process in western society, the development and change of modern sport, and the popularization of asian martial arts in western society. Martial arts have long been an important form of physical activity and education in Eastern Asian countries. Martial arts were introduced to western countries around 1900. It was not accessible to ordinary audiences until the 1960's. However, as the result of 1970's and '80's popularization of the activity, martial arts are no longer foreign and extraordinary but ubiquitous and common in American and Europe society. Young Americans are growing up with the images and jargon of martial arts such as "Bruce Lee", "Karate Kid", and "Power Rangers". There are several reason in relation to the popularization of eastern martial arts in western society. This study is, especially, focused on the social-psychological aspects of the reason, which the western are massive interest in asian martial arts. Training in the martial arts give the western masses a chance that the aggressive desire legally satisfied.
Key Words
civilization process, aggression, desire, genesis of sport, modem sport, martial arts, taekwondo, sport culture
The Relationship between Socio-demographics Characteristics and Educational Satisfaction of Lifeguard Participants 스포츠 사회학 : 라이프가드 교육참가자의 사회인구학적 특성과 교육만족도의 관계
김원기KimWonGi , 전만중JeonManJung , 김우기KimUGi
43(2) 27-33, 2004
The Relationship between Socio-demographics Characteristics and Educational Satisfaction of Lifeguard Participants 스포츠 사회학 : 라이프가드 교육참가자의 사회인구학적 특성과 교육만족도의 관계
김원기KimWonGi , 전만중JeonManJung , 김우기KimUGi
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between socio-demographic characteristic and educational satisfaction of lifeguard's participants. To accomplish the purpose, it questionnaire-surveyed with 218 participants who finished the lifeguard educational course of the republic of Korean National Red Cross in 2003. The data was analyzed by correlation and multiple regression. The results are as follows:First of all, there was an high influence of program, cost satisfaction on male compare to female in lifeguard educational participant.Second, there was an high influence of facilities satisfaction in younger lifeguard educational participant.Third, there was an high influence of facilities, instructor, program and cost satisfaction in lifeguard educational participant.Fourth, there was an low influence of instructor satisfaction in lifeguard educational participant's job.Last of all, there was an high influence of program satisfaction in lifeguard educational participant who has more swimming career.
The Relationship between Structural Characteristics and Organizational Environment of Sport Organizations 스포츠 사회학 : 스포츠 조직의 구조적 특성과 조직환경의 관계
43(2) 35-43, 2004
The Relationship between Structural Characteristics and Organizational Environment of Sport Organizations 스포츠 사회학 : 스포츠 조직의 구조적 특성과 조직환경의 관계
The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between structural characteristics and organizational environment of sport organizations. The data for this study were collected from the sample of 405 adults belongs to sport organizations such as the Korea Sports Council, the Seoul Olympic Sports Promotion Foundation and the National Council of Sports for All etc. The measuring tool of structural characteristics were questionnaire developed by Huge and Aiken and revised by Kim(1991). The measuring tool of organizational environment was questionnaire developed by Seo(1986) and Kim(1991). Reliability coefficient of items was Cronbach's α=.77~.81. The sample was selected by the methods of stratified cluster random sampling. The collected data were analyzed to test relationship using descriptive statistics, percentage, analysis of variance, standard multiple analysis and above analysis of SPSS/PC+8.0 version. From the above analysis, the following conclusions were obtained:
First, the higher organization of formalization of structural characteristics was Korea Sports Council, the higher organization of understanding between the members was Seoul Olympic Sports Promotion Foundation and higher organization of decision making was National Council of Sports for All. Second, formalization of structural characteristics influences on affiliation, progressive, maintenance and rationality. Third, decision making of structural characteristics influence on progressive, maintenance and rationality.
Key Words
sport organization, structural characteristics, organizational environment
The effect of the sporting newspaper’s function on popularization of sports and the moral sense of university students about sporting newspaper 스포츠 사회학 : 스포츠 신문 기능이 대학생의 스포츠 신문 만족도와 스포츠 대중화에 미치는 영향
이현수LeeHyeonSu , 김인형KimInHyeong
43(2) 45-53, 2004
The effect of the sporting newspaper’s function on popularization of sports and the moral sense of university students about sporting newspaper 스포츠 사회학 : 스포츠 신문 기능이 대학생의 스포츠 신문 만족도와 스포츠 대중화에 미치는 영향
이현수LeeHyeonSu , 김인형KimInHyeong
This study collected male and female university students living in Busan at present 2003 year as a universe to look into the effect of the sporting newspaper's function on popularization of sports and the moral sense of the sporting newspaper positively, and used 304 male and female university students for actual analysis with the purposive sampling methods or a non-probability sample, except insincere 16 samples. In this investigation we used such investigating methods as Go young-kyu,s(2001) "The study of survival strategy of a hearsay newspaper according to changes of the environment of the speech", Kim yang-rea(1988) 'The study about the receiver's decoding and the reporting tendency of typical sexual role of media sports' Lee deuk-jea,s(2001) media focus on "imagination of sporting newspaper's desire” and Joo jin-sook,s(2000). "The functions and the moral sense of sporting newspaper suggested at consideration about a sex-appealing comic strip of sporting newspaper”. With the above methods, we organized a questionnaire suitable for this study and used a corrected and edited questionnaire based on experts’ advices and preliminary investigations.
The conclusions are as follows.
First, as a result of analysis about the utilization of sporting newspaper as sex distinction, males' frequence of use appeared higher than female, and even though there were some differences in that choosing a place to read sporting newspaper, both male and female preferred to read newspaper through the internet or in the subway. While males read it for taking sports information and killing time, females read it for just reading and killing time. That means that male read it for information, on the other hand female read it as a magazine for amusement.
Second, with a result that we analysed the difference of perception about functions of sporting newspaper and the moral sense of sporting newspaper as sex distinction, males’ inclination for informational propensity, interpretational propensity, recreational propensity, advertising propensity, and the moral sense of sporting newspaper showed higher.
Third, in consequence of analysing the related effects of sporting newspaper's function between the moral sense of sporting newspaper for university students and the popularization of sports, informational propensity, interpretational propensity, recreational propensity, advertising propensity of sporting newspaper had an heedful effect on the moral sense of sporting newspaper, and on popularization of
sports informational propensity and interpretational propensity had an effect, finally the moral sense of sporting newspaper was represented that it had an heedful effect on popularization of sports.
Key Words
sporting newspaper’s, popularization of sports
Gender-role conflict and the change of gender-role identity in Female Field Hockey Players 스포츠 사회학 : 여자 필드하키 선수의 성역할 갈등과 성역할 정체성 변화
임수원ImSuWon , 임미정ImMiJeong , 송은주SongEunJu
43(2) 55-66, 2004
Gender-role conflict and the change of gender-role identity in Female Field Hockey Players 스포츠 사회학 : 여자 필드하키 선수의 성역할 갈등과 성역할 정체성 변화
임수원ImSuWon , 임미정ImMiJeong , 송은주SongEunJu
The purpose of this study is to examine gender-role expectation and gender-role conflict in female field hockey players, and the effect of these experiences on the change of gender-role identity. The subjects of investigation are students of A, B, C girls's high schools which are enrolled on the list of the Korea Hockey Association. Fifteen players are chosen. Their age is 17-19, and their career is 3-6 years.
As results shows that the female field hockey player has two different gender-role expectation. They expected traditional gender-role socialization in daily life. But in sports, they expected musculinity. When they play game, players and managers forget the fact that they are female, and also they expect to do a tough and aggressive behavior like male. It is said that they feel bored and lose the self-confidence about sport when they play a game with femininity. On the contrary, when they play games with rough offence and excessiveness, they are proud of themselves and feel the sense of accomplishment. The female field hockey players stated that they felt the gender role conflicts in the psychological, physical, and social aspects. They must have the features such as aggression and strength in sport situation, but they are expected to do a feminine behaviors according to the internalized gender-role expectation and socialization in the ordinary life. So they felt psychological and physical conflicts. Managers or coaches rewarded female hockey players for their wild and aggressive behavior. On the other hand, They punished female players experience for their weak and passive behavior. As they have played wild and aggressive hockey for 5~6 years, their gender-role identity has been changed from traditional feminine gender-role identity to masculine gender-role identity.
Direction of regulatory system revision for the development of Korean yachting recreational sports 스포츠 사회학 : 한국 요트 발전을 위한 제도적 개선방안
43(2) 67-79, 2004
Direction of regulatory system revision for the development of Korean yachting recreational sports 스포츠 사회학 : 한국 요트 발전을 위한 제도적 개선방안
With reviewing foreign yacht regulations, the conclusion on direction of regulatory system revision for the development of Korean yachting recreational sports is followed as:
First, domestic yacht regulation is overlapping with marine traffic safety law and water recreational safety law so that unified one is needed.
Second, waterborne traffic line should be made in order to enjoy night sight of inner harbor, according to locations and traits based on ocean parks and marine recreational sports institutes,
Third, yacht equipment should be classified as a tax-free article and its tax be reduced. In addition to tax reduction, it is obligatory to join insurance.
Finally, licence acquisition through completing courses of an accredited education agency as well as the test carried out by the existing test agency should be considered.
Key Words
oceanic sports
A Study on Organizational Identification, Organizational Commitment and Turnover Intention in Professional Dance Company 스포츠 사회학 : 직업 무용단원의 조직동일시, 조직몰입 및 이직의도 분석
43(2) 81-89, 2004
A Study on Organizational Identification, Organizational Commitment and Turnover Intention in Professional Dance Company 스포츠 사회학 : 직업 무용단원의 조직동일시, 조직몰입 및 이직의도 분석
This study was to identify the relationships among organizational identification, organizational commitment and turnover intention in professional dance Company. Participants for this study were consisted of 184 professional dancers(male = 71, female= 113). The questionnaire used in this study was included 5 items socio-demography, 6 items organizational identification(kim, 1983) and 6 items organizational commitment(Kim, 1983), 5 items turnover intention(park, 1998).
Simple regression and multiple analysis revealed the following results.
First, Income of socio-demography variable had positive effect on organizational identification, but, had not effect on organizational identification, also, age, job carrier of socio-demography variable had not effect on organizational identification and organizational commitment.
Second, Organizational identification had effect on turnover intention.
Third, Organizational commitment had effect on turnover intention.
Key Words
professional dance company, organizational identification, organizational commitment, turnover intention
The Relationship between Trust in Leader and Instructing Effectiveness according to Leadership Style of Extreme Sports 스포츠 사회학 : 모험스포츠 리더십유형에 따른 지도자 신뢰와 지도효율성의 관계
조건상JoGeonSang , 김현식KimHyeonSig , 이제행LeeJeHaeng
43(2) 91-100, 2004
The Relationship between Trust in Leader and Instructing Effectiveness according to Leadership Style of Extreme Sports 스포츠 사회학 : 모험스포츠 리더십유형에 따른 지도자 신뢰와 지도효율성의 관계
조건상JoGeonSang , 김현식KimHyeonSig , 이제행LeeJeHaeng
The purpose of this study was to empirically examine the relationship between leader trust and instructon effectiveness according to leadership style of extreme sports leaders. In order to achieve this purpose, 480 subjects were selected by the stratified cluster random sampling method among participants of extreme sports activity programs (e.g., scuba diving, wind-surfing, snow-board, ski). The survey questionnaires were 1) the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire(MLQ) developed by Bass(1985) and standardized in the Korean language by Kwon(1995); 2) the questionnaire for leader trust developed by Clark & Payne(1997) and standardized in the Korean language by Lee(2002); and 3) instruction effectiveness questionnaire developed by Duda & Nicholls(1989) and William & Hacker(1982) and standardized in the Korean language by Sung(1998) and Lee(1992). The data analyses consisted of employing descriptive statistics, one-way ANOVA, standard multiple regression and path analysis. The following results were obtained:
First, transformation leadership style of extreme sports leaders influences leader trust and instruction effectiveness. Second, transactional leadership style of extreme sports leaders influences leader trust and instruction effectiveness. Third, leader trust influences instruction effectiveness. Fourth, extreme sports leaders' leadership style, leader trust and instruction effectiveness are correlated.
Key Words
extreme sports, trust in leader, instructing effectiveness, leadership style
The Relationship among Perceived Competition Performance, Self-Regulation and Mood States of Competitive Swimmers 스포츠 심리학 : 수영선수의 기분상태와 자아조절 및 지각된 경기수행의 관계
43(2) 103-117, 2004
The Relationship among Perceived Competition Performance, Self-Regulation and Mood States of Competitive Swimmers 스포츠 심리학 : 수영선수의 기분상태와 자아조절 및 지각된 경기수행의 관계
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship among perceived competition performance, self-regulation and mood states of competitive swimmers. From questionnaire data on convenience sample of competitive swimmers(N: 275) that from the high school and university/adults swimmers registrated at the Korean National Swimming Federation. The questionnaire used at this study was the Questions of Self-Regulation for Swimmers generated by Anshel and Porter(1996) and Profiles of Mood States(POMS) developed by McNair, Lorr과 Droppleman(1971). The finding from the reduced multiple regression analysis suggest that the correlates of the relative among perceived competition performance, self-regulation and mood states of competitive swimmers. The results indicated that the meaning significant found the perceived competition performance, self-regulation and mood states of competitive swimmers. The mood states of swimmers is partially influence on perceived competition performance. In detail, multiple regression analysis tension, confusion of mood states of swimmers influence on problem identification of the self-regulation, tension, depression and fatigue influence on commitment, vigor and confusion influence on execution. And tension, vigor and fatigue influence on environmental management, and anger, fatigue influence on generalization of the self-regulation. For the mood states of swimmers is partially influence on perceived competition performance. In detail, multiple regression analysis commitment, influence on achievement to swim record of the perceived competition performance, execution and environmental management influence on carry out to training skill, problem identification and commitment influence on result of expected rank of perceived competition performance.
Relationship between exercise participation and physical self - perception in older adults 스포츠 심리학 : 노인의 운동참여와 신체적 자아개념의 관계
43(2) 119-127, 2004
Relationship between exercise participation and physical self - perception in older adults 스포츠 심리학 : 노인의 운동참여와 신체적 자아개념의 관계
The purpose of this study was closely examined relation of old man's exercise participation and physical self-perception.
First, is there difference of older man and woman's physical activity as a function of sex ? Second, is there difference of physical self - perception of older man and women as a function of sex ? Third, is there difference of physical self - perception of older man as a function of exercise participation frequency and sex?
The subjects of this research were 208 old people (man 81 people, woman 127 people) more than 60 years old that inhabits in capital region.
The tools of this study was old man's exercise participation inventory that Godin and Shephard (1985) develop to measure.
Results of this study were as following.
First, the exercise participation rate of older man was higher than that of older woman.
Second, there were difference of physical self-perception between older man and woman in appearance, self esteem, body fat, but were not difference of sport competence, physical activity, muscular power, flexibleness, endurance, body whole, health.
Third, exercise pride, physical activity, and endurance were high in older man have more exercise frequency, but it was no difference as a function of age.
Fourth, exercise pride, physical activity, flexibleness, endurance, muscular power, body whole, health in older woman that is more exercise frequency were higher, but it was no difference as a function of age.
Key Words
exercise participation, physical self-perception
Elementary School Student’s Perceived Competence of Physical Activity and Intrinsic Motivation on Physical Education 스포츠 심리학 : 초등학생의 신체활동에 대한 유능성 지각과 내적동기의 관계
43(2) 129-136, 2004
Elementary School Student’s Perceived Competence of Physical Activity and Intrinsic Motivation on Physical Education 스포츠 심리학 : 초등학생의 신체활동에 대한 유능성 지각과 내적동기의 관계
The importance of perceived competance as a mediator of achievement behavior among children is established in variety physical activity. Also, perceived competence has been theorized as having an important effect on children's level of motivation. The purpose of this study was to analyze a relationship between perceived competence of physical activity in gymnastic, game and physical fitness and intrinsic motivation in children. The subjects were selected from the Yongdu elementary school in random sampling. Males(n = 99) and females(n = 88) in grades 4 through 6(n = 187) were given The Perceived Competence Scale, a 24-item motor competence assessment battery, and Intrinsic Motivation Scale with 15-item. The used statistical methods for the data analysis were One-way ANOVA Regression Analysis and Covariance Structure Analysis. This study obtained the results as follows: First, perceived competence impacted on intrinsic motivation. Second, there was a significant correlation between perceived competence and intrinsic motivation.
Junior School Students` Experiences of Physical Education Classes during Elemantary School 스포츠교육학 : 초등학교 체육수업에 대한 학생들의 경험 분석
43(2) 139-150, 2004
Junior School Students` Experiences of Physical Education Classes during Elemantary School 스포츠교육학 : 초등학교 체육수업에 대한 학생들의 경험 분석
The purpose of this study was to investigate the degree of junior school students' positive and negative experiences and the factors that have influence on the experiences of physical education classes during elementary school. To achieve this purpose, quantitative and qualitative research methods were used simultaneously. The conclusions of this study were as follows.
First, students had mostly the positive experiences than the negative ones in physical education classes during elementary school days. In addition, the boys had more positive experiences than the girls.
Second, students had positive experiences for their activities in interesting events and teachers‘ appropriate teaching methods. Boys had mostly the positive experiences when they played small-sided games of soccer, basketball, etc., and girls had the same experiences when they took part in the unvigorous activities such as play, gossip, etc..
Third, students had negative experiences for the irregular operation of physical education curriculum and teachers' inappropriate teaching methods. Boys had mostly the negative experiences in the cases that physical education classes were substituted by the other subjects, and girls did in the cases that physical education classes were monotonously implemented.
Key Words
positive experience, negative experience, physical education classes, elementary school
A Study on the Satisfaction of Aerobic’s Center by Participant 사회체육 : 에어로빅센터 참여자의 에어로빅 센터 만족도에 관한 연구
배소심BaeSoSim , 김영옥KimYeongOg
43(2) 153-160, 2004
A Study on the Satisfaction of Aerobic’s Center by Participant 사회체육 : 에어로빅센터 참여자의 에어로빅 센터 만족도에 관한 연구
배소심BaeSoSim , 김영옥KimYeongOg
The purpose of this study was to examine the satisfaction about facilities and aerobic instructor by members at Aerobics Center. To accomplish the purpose, 486 members from ten stratified randomly selected Aerobics Center were surveyed by means of the revised questionnaires.
The content validity and reliability were determined by conducting a pilot study. The reliability coefficient was found to be α=.921-933. The tool utilized a 5 point Likert scale was employed for ascertaining the level of agree that each respondent attached to each item. The following statistical methods were applied by employing the SPSS 10.0 V. for the statistical analysis; t-test and one-way ANOVA.
The results and conclusion of the this study were as follows;
First, there were significant differences in the satisfaction of facilities and instructor by years of age on the member of Aerobics Center. Second, there were significant differences in the satisfaction of facilities and instructor by marital state on the member of Aerobics Center. Third, there were significant differences the satisfaction of instructor only by a monthly income on the member of Aerobics Center. Forth, there were significant differences the satisfaction of facilities and instructor by exercise term on the member of Aerobics Center. Fifth, there were significant differences satisfaction of facilities and instructor by exercise frequency on the member of Aerobics Center.
Therefore, Aerobics Center needs to proffer the exercise term, and service as of facilities and instructor by considered of age, marital state, monthly income, exercise frequency, and exercise frequency for increasing customers.
Key Words
environment satisfaction of aerobic center, aerobics facilities, aerobics Instructor
The Relationship between Elementary School Students of Inline Skates Participation and Life Satisfaction 사회체육 : 초등학생의 인라인스케이트 참여와 생활만족도의 관계
The purpose of this study was analyzed controls influence about other factor's life satisfaction except Inline skates and recognize whether the life satisfaction according to Inline skates participations and non-participations. And, recognize whether the elementary student's life satisfaction according to Inline skates participation type and participation degree.
The results of the study obtained from these methods of the study and the analyses of the materials are as follows: First, Inline skate participants appeared the higher life satisfaction compared to non-participants. If describe this paint by details item, in the case of leisure life satisfaction and home life satisfaction, Inline skates participants appeared the higher compared to non-participants. But in the case of the school life satisfaction, there are no noticeable statistical differences. In the case of whole life satisfaction, Inline skate participants appeared the higher compared to non-participants. Second, in the analysis of the differences of the life satisfaction according to the Inline skates participants type, there are noticeable statistical differences between the groups. In the case of home life satisfaction, Inline skates and sport participation appeared the higher compared to non-participants, and In the case of leisure life satisfaction, Inline skates and sport participation appeared the higher compared to non-participants. But In the case of the school life satisfaction, there are no noticeable statistical differences. In the case of whole life satisfaction, Inline skates and sport participation appeared the higher compared to nan-participants. Third, in the analysis of the differences of the life satisfaction according to the Inline skates participants degree, the higher duration and frequency in Inline skates participation showed the higher leisure life satisfaction, but in case of home life satisfaction and school life satisfaction, there are no noticeable statistical differences. In case of whole life satisfaction, noticeable statistical differences in the frequency.
Key Words
inline skate, life satisfaction
The Relationships among Swimming Participant’s Participation Level, Motivation and Facility, Leader, Program Satisfaction 사회체육 : 수영참가자의 참가정도와 동기 및 시설,지도자,프로그램 만족도의 관계
43(2) 169-177, 2004
The Relationships among Swimming Participant’s Participation Level, Motivation and Facility, Leader, Program Satisfaction 사회체육 : 수영참가자의 참가정도와 동기 및 시설,지도자,프로그램 만족도의 관계
The purpose of this study was to identify the relationships among swimming participant's participation level, motivation and facility, leader, program satisfaction. In order to achieve this purpose, 500 subjects were selected by the stratified cluster random sampling method among participants of swimming programs. Although 500 participants responded, only 424 were used for data analyses because 76 were considered to be incompletely or incorrectly responded to. The survey questionnaires were the Facility, leader, program satisfaction developed by Sim(1994), Song(1995) and Kim(1998). The statistical methods utilized in the study for analyzing the collected data were reliability analysis, descriptive statistics, Chi-square test, t-test, one-way ANOVA. And from the results of this study, the following conclusions were drawn:
First, swimming participation level and participation motivation different by socio-demographic characteristics. Second, swimming Facility, leader and program satisfaction different by socio-demographic characteristics. Third, swimming participation level and participation motivation different by facility, leader and program satisfaction.
Key Words
participate level, motivation, facility, leader, program satisfaction
Effect of Customers’ Service Quality Satisfaction for Repurchase of Golf Range User 사회체육 : 골프연습장 이용자의 서비스 만족이 재구매에 미치는 영향
조방현JoBangHyeon , 이철원LeeCheolWon , 전태준JeonTaeJun
43(2) 179-188, 2004
Effect of Customers’ Service Quality Satisfaction for Repurchase of Golf Range User 사회체육 : 골프연습장 이용자의 서비스 만족이 재구매에 미치는 영향
조방현JoBangHyeon , 이철원LeeCheolWon , 전태준JeonTaeJun
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between demographic characters of golf range user and perceived and expected service quality. For this study, The subject of this study selected 300 citizens in Seoul and Gyeonggi-Do who have used golf range with a convenience sampling method to complete the self-administration questionnaires. 300 questionnaires were used for data analysis after dropping incomplete 50 questionnaires. Statistical methods used in this study were independent sample t-test, one-way ANOVA, and regression analysis. Based on the above research methods and procedures, this study produced the following results. Firstly, it was to find the relationship in expected service quality by difference demographic groups. There were significant differences in personal service factor and facilities factor by a gender. And, there were significant differences in approach easiness by age, monthly income, participation frequency. Also, there were significant differences in facilities factor and personal service factor by school career, monthly income, participation frequency. Secondly, it was to find the relationship in perceived service quality by difference demographic groups. there were significant differences in approach easiness by age, school career, participation time. Lastly, expected personal service, expected facilities, expected price had significant effects on re-purchasing by using multiple regression analysis. And, perceived personal service, perceived facilities, perceived easiness, and perceived price had significant effects on re-purchasing shown by using multiple regression analysis.
Key Words
service quality, re-purchase
Analysis of Service Quality Factors Affecting Customer Repurchase Intentions at Fitness Club 사회체육 : 휘트니스클럽 고객의 재구매 의도에 영향을 미치는 서비스 품질요인 분석
최종필ChoeJongPil , 조우정JoUJeong
43(2) 189-198, 2004
Analysis of Service Quality Factors Affecting Customer Repurchase Intentions at Fitness Club 사회체육 : 휘트니스클럽 고객의 재구매 의도에 영향을 미치는 서비스 품질요인 분석
최종필ChoeJongPil , 조우정JoUJeong
Key Words
fitness dub, service quality, repurchase intention
DanceSport: Athletiction vs Sportization 여가,레크리에이션 : 댄스스포츠,경기화 대 스포츠화
43(2) 201-211, 2004
DanceSport: Athletiction vs Sportization 여가,레크리에이션 : 댄스스포츠,경기화 대 스포츠화
The Purpose of this study is make the plan for activating the DanceSport view from 'Athletiction' vs 'Sportization'
First, The meaning of Ahtletiction was revealed. The concept of Sport has been changed historically, modern sport emphasized the aspect of athletic, so sometimes scholars commit an error that identifies 'athlection' with 'sportization'. Both was not same meaning.
Second, for the finding the meaning of Sportization, the concept of play by Huizinga(1955) was applied. Sportization is the doing the sport, and becoming a fair sport that have the essence of sport for everyone.
Third, as a result of analysis of martial art's Athletiction process, the course of Athletiction is that organization, domestic admission, and recognition of Olympic sport. The Problem of Athletiction is that distortion of martial art, the pursuit of only victory, commercialization, and abuse of political power.
The way of Athletiction of DS is as follow: First, central association has to be established. Second, that association has to obtain the KOC's recognition. Third, the Rules of DS competition have to changed fairly.
The way of Sportization of DS is as follow: First, the meaning of participating DS and the way of DS popularization have make researches. Second, DS rules have to be changed from a mass angle.
Key Words
dancesport, athletiction, sportization
The Relationships among Qualification Types, Work Style and Job Satisfaction of Golf Instructors 여가,레크리에이션 : 골프지도자의 자격유형과 근무형태 및 직무만족의 관계
43(2) 213-221, 2004
The Relationships among Qualification Types, Work Style and Job Satisfaction of Golf Instructors 여가,레크리에이션 : 골프지도자의 자격유형과 근무형태 및 직무만족의 관계
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationships among qualification types, work style and job satisfaction of golf instructors. To achieve the purpose of the study, 198 golf instructors were selected as subjects. The survey questionnaires were used to collect the data. The questionnaire that used by Yoon(1996). The statistics selected in this study were descriptive statistics, χ²(chi-square) test, and one-way ANOVA.
As a result of the analyses of collected data, the following conclusion were obtained: Firstly, there was a significant difference in job satisfaction of golf instructors by socio-demographic variables. Secondly, there was a significant difference in work style by qualification type of golf instructors. Thirdly, there was a significant difference in job satisfaction by qualification type of golf instructors. Last, there was a significant difference in job satisfaction by work style of golf instructors.
Key Words
qualification type, work style, job satisfaction, golf instructors
The Study of Youth’s Leisure Attitude and Leisure Function 여가,레크리에이션 : 청소년의 여가태도와 여가기능의 인과적 관계에 관한 연구
박수정ParkSuJeong , 추건이ChuGeonI
43(2) 223-230, 2004
The Study of Youth’s Leisure Attitude and Leisure Function 여가,레크리에이션 : 청소년의 여가태도와 여가기능의 인과적 관계에 관한 연구
박수정ParkSuJeong , 추건이ChuGeonI
The purpose of this study was to investigate the study of relationship of youth's leisure attitude and leisure function. In order to meet this purpose, Leisure Attitude Scale(LAS) developed by Bread & Ragheb(1982) and Leisure Diagnostic Battery(LDB) developed by Witt & Ellis(1987) was used to translate and analyze its adaptability in Koreans. A total of 347 sample who were adolescents in high school was used for data analysis.
The ststistic package used in the analysis is measured to make use of the LISREL 8.3, and then the method of the analysis makes use of the analysis of reliable and dependable points to analyze the validity and trust of the used factors. Results indicated that in Leisure Attitude Scale(LAS) were 2 sub domain among original three were statistically fit with proposed model and Leisure Diagnostic Battery(LDB) were 4 sub domain among original four were statistically fit with proposed model. Validity and Reliability were also checked to confirm the availability of the scale. The result indicated that relationship between Youth's leisure attitude and leisure function were positive, and the leisure attitude effect on leisure function.
Key Words
leisure attitude, leisure function, LDB, LISREL, SEM
Analysis of participating motivation, exercise adherence, and adherence intention of college tennis dub members 여가,레크리에이션 : 대학 테니스 동아리 학생들의 테니스 참가동기, 지속수행성, 그리고 지속의도 분석
최성훈ChoeSeongHun , 김재운KimJaeUn
43(2) 231-238, 2004
Analysis of participating motivation, exercise adherence, and adherence intention of college tennis dub members 여가,레크리에이션 : 대학 테니스 동아리 학생들의 테니스 참가동기, 지속수행성, 그리고 지속의도 분석
최성훈ChoeSeongHun , 김재운KimJaeUn
The purpose of this study was to analysis of tennis participating motivation, exercise adherence, and adherence intention of college tennis club members. In early studies about tennis participants less work have been done about factors like tennis participating motivation, exercise adherence, and adherence intention. The subjects for this study were 292 college tennis club members. The SPSS 10.01 version for windows were used to perform factor analysis, pearson's correlation, and multiple regression in this study.
Based on the above research methods and procedures, this study produced the following results. 1)Tennis participating motivation, exercise adherence, adherence intention, and actually participating are high relationship. 2)Intrinsic motivation of participating motivation are significant influence predisposing , enabling, reinforcing of exercise adherence(R2>.33). 3)Intrinsic motivation of participating motivation and no-motivation are significant influence adherence intention(R2=.34). 4)Pleasure of intrinsic motivation, predisposing and enabling of exercise adherence, are significant influence participation(R2=.32).
The effect of sports center Marketing mixed factor customers’ satisfaction on 스포츠산업,경영 : 스포츠센터 이용자의 마케팅믹스 요인이 소비자 만족에 미치는 영향
김도균KimDoGyun , 이인수LeeInSu
43(2) 241-246, 2004
The effect of sports center Marketing mixed factor customers’ satisfaction on 스포츠산업,경영 : 스포츠센터 이용자의 마케팅믹스 요인이 소비자 만족에 미치는 영향
김도균KimDoGyun , 이인수LeeInSu
The porpose of this study was to analyze the effect of on sports center participant life style and Marketing mixed factor customers' satisfaction.
The subject of this study were 223 participants in sports center in Seoul. They were selected by random sampling method.
The questionnaires for this study were used to collect data about sports center participant life style and Marketing mixed factor which effect on consumer's satisfaction.
They consisted of socio-demographic variable, individual variable, marketing mix factors, and consumers' satisfaction.
The statistical methods utilized in this study to analyze the collected data were frequency, One-way ANOVA and standard multiple regression analysis.
From the analysis of this study, the following conclusions were obtained;
Firstly, facilities of sports center or service effect on customers' satisfaction. In detail, the better facilities of sports center, the higher customers' satisfaction
Secondly, Marketing mixed factors partially influence on consumers' satisfaction. In detail, the higher operation process of sports center, the higher consumers' satisfaction.
Third, place of sports center effects on customers' satisfaction. In detail, the better place, the higher consumers' satisfaction.
Fourth, promotion activity of sports center effects on consumers' satisfaction that i, the better promotion activity, the higher consumers' satisfaction.
Fifth, employees of sports center(human resources), the higher consumers' satisfaction.
Sixth, operating process of sports center effects on customers' satisfaction. That is, the better of sports center, the higher consumers' satisfaction.
Finally, Products or factors of service as marketing mixed factors would be applicable as facilities and general service.
Key Words
consumer behavior, brand, marketing
Cause-Related Marketing Program in Professional Sports Team 스포츠산업,경영 : 프로스포츠 팀의 공익연계마케팅 활용 방안
김용만KimYongMan , 이승철LeeSeungCheol
43(2) 247-261, 2004
Cause-Related Marketing Program in Professional Sports Team 스포츠산업,경영 : 프로스포츠 팀의 공익연계마케팅 활용 방안
김용만KimYongMan , 이승철LeeSeungCheol
Expenditures on Cause related marketing (CRM) have grown dramatically in the past decade. Consumer tend to have favorable attitudes toward businesses that support charities or causes. CRM can be defined as a strategic positioning and marketing tool which links a company or brand to a relevant social cause or issue, for mutual benefit. It is a rapidly growing form of promotion that is expected to exceed $828 million in spending in North America in 2002.
Nevertheless, cause related sport marketing has not received much academic attention in korea. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to examine the definition of CRM, the merits and demerits of CRM, the cases of professional sports teams and players (CRMPS). Specifically, we suggest some ways that the effective strategies of CRMPS in korea. 1) The CRMPS have to include sponsor company and fan, 2) The CRMPS have to change the methods of CRMPS(eg; from money to labor, charge of education, etc), 3) The CRMPS have to perform a local community giving than a national giving and connect with a right target 4) The CRMPS give the truly meaning of CRM to people and make change themselves do. 5) CRMPS have to examine fans' attitudes toward their cause program(eg; increasing team image, loyalty etc.)
Key Words
professional team, cause-related marketing
An analysis of franchise evaluation factors of Professional Sport Clubs in Korea 스포츠산업,경영 : 국내 프로스포츠 리그 프랜차이즈 평가 요인 분석
43(2) 263-274, 2004
An analysis of franchise evaluation factors of Professional Sport Clubs in Korea 스포츠산업,경영 : 국내 프로스포츠 리그 프랜차이즈 평가 요인 분석
The purpose of this study was to analyze the factors to influence franchise evaluation of professional sport clubs in Korea This study would be placed for the future research of the brand equity for the professional sport clubs in Korea.
This study was modified to the Fan Support Index which was developed by Thomas (1999) and Kim (2001). It sought the answer by developing a formula to rate the fan support by Korean professional sport leagues franchises. This study encompassed 10 clubs that were governed by the Korea Basketball League(KBL), 12 clubs of K-League and 8 clubs of KBO. Analyses of data were performed by using SPSS Windows Version 10.0 and employing frequency analysis, One-way ANOVA, multiple regression.
In the result of this study, First of all, beside Homegame Winning Percent, 6(Seat Capacity, Season Winning Percent, Season Average Attendance, Average Winning Game Attendance, Average Home Game winning Attendance, Per 100000 attendance) other factors influenced to fan support index were significantly difference among professional leagues through One-way ANOVA.
Secondly, there were significantly fit to the model of five explainary variables (Total Winning Games, Seat Capacity, Average Winning Game Attendance, Average Home Game winning Attendance) among professional sport leagues.
In conclusion, future studies should continue to examine the fan support with other professional sport leagues such as K-League(soccer).
Key Words
franchise, fan support index, professional sport league
A Study on The Importance and Prospect of Remodeling Public Sports Facilities 스포츠산업,경영 : 공공체육시설 리모델링의 필요성과 방향
고재곤GoJaeGon , 김종KimJong , 김현석KimHyeonSeog
43(2) 275-281, 2004
A Study on The Importance and Prospect of Remodeling Public Sports Facilities 스포츠산업,경영 : 공공체육시설 리모델링의 필요성과 방향
고재곤GoJaeGon , 김종KimJong , 김현석KimHyeonSeog
All of us know that it is very urgent to consider the plan to make diversified practical use of the obsolete facilities used in the 88 Seoul Olympics, 2002 World-cup stadium and public spots facilities erected in cities, counties and districts. The specialty of athletic facility management has induced residents into the space of the public athletic facility and developed athletic facilities as the space for comprehensive Reports close related to sport for all as could be seen in the foreign cases.
According to the survey of the present situation of sport for all announced by the Sports Science Research Institute in July 2001, respondents showed the matters of complaint in the orders of the impropriety of the place for exercise'(23%), 'the lack of exercise time’(21.3%》’much cost required in using all kinds of facilities"(17.1%). This indicates that the general public had the low level of recognition on public athletic facilities and the great difficulty with accessibility to facilities.
Ko, Jae-gon(2002) pointed out that most of the public athletic facilities capable of being used as sport for all are large to suit the game and far from the living structure of local residents. He explains that the most efficient alternative is to enhance the usability of existing athletic facilities by introducing the active management mind.
Most of the sports dubs in Kolin, Germany called 'the kingdom of sport for all', lease athletic facilities owned by the city government and allow more people to use them Sheffield of the UK is a good case of high accessibility to athletic facilities. Sheffield transformed the facilities hosting the 91 Summer Universiade Games into the sport-for-all place old people and low-income people can enjoy their leisure activity without any burden.
Now, we are considering the plan to make efficiently practical use of athletic facilities within the category of publicity. The remodeling of public athletic facilities should be focused on making changes in accordance with the optimal use of the district(resident service type, customer service type and combinational type), like the Japanese plan to make practical use of public athletic facilities. For this purpose, it is thought that public athletic facilities should be rebuilt as the facilities coexisting with athletic facilities in community schools and with athletic facilities of idle space.
Key Words
sport facility, public athletic facility, remodelling
A Study on Residents’ Satisfaction with Sports Administrative Services of the Basic Autonomous Authority 스포츠산업,경영 : 기초자치단체의 체육행정서비스에 대한 주민만족도 조사연구
43(2) 283-291, 2004
A Study on Residents’ Satisfaction with Sports Administrative Services of the Basic Autonomous Authority 스포츠산업,경영 : 기초자치단체의 체육행정서비스에 대한 주민만족도 조사연구
The purpose of this study was to make an objective analysis of residents' satisfaction with sports administrative services provided by the basic autonomous authority and present the matters to be considered and the direction of their improvements for front-line administrative agencies to provide resident-oriented sports administrative services for residents in the future.
For this purpose, this study attempted to investigate residents' satisfaction with 23 items pertaining to four dimensions such as 'facility and environment', 'facility operation and management, 'person in charge of the staff and program’ and 'program content and quality for the residents using the public sport-for-all facility. As a result, the following conclusion was drawn;
First, it is necessary to improve the status of management of individual-used facilities and convenience facilities. For the respondents pointed out the improvements of the items related to facility management and convenience facility such as 'the status of management of sports facilities, locker room and the like’, convenience facilities including latrine, resting room and the like. And the management of the sports facility is required to make efforts to continue managing and supervising sports facilities to raise customers' level of satisfaction.
Second, it is necessary to introduce the reasonable operating system taking into consideration the characteristics and convenience of customers. For the respondents pointed out the improvements of the items related to the operating system such as the 'propriety of the visiting hours(opening hours)', efforts to reflect the matters of complaint and suggestion, and the like. Accordingly, the management of the sports facility is required to introduce the flexible operation of the business hours for the characteristics and convenience of customers and the operating system to process the matters of complaint and suggestion immediately and reply to the person making complaints and suggestions.
Third, it is necessary to make efforts to provide service appropriate to the purpose of using and visiting the sports facility. That is, it is necessary to devote efforts to raising the level of satisfaction by developing the service suited to the purpose of using and visiting the sports facility and intensively improving it. It is necessary to consider the plan to develop diverse leisure and health sports program, reinforce the incentive of instructional charges for annual members, improve the level of satisfaction with sports educational services through the departmental system for individual and the like.
The Influence of Aerobics Center’s Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction 스포츠산업,경영 : Aerobics 경영체의 서비스 품질이 고객만족에 미치는 영향
43(2) 293-306, 2004
The Influence of Aerobics Center’s Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction 스포츠산업,경영 : Aerobics 경영체의 서비스 품질이 고객만족에 미치는 영향
The primary purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of overall service quality on customer's satisfaction To achieve the study purpose, 504 members are first chosen by convenience sampling with a population where members are registered in Aerobics Center as of Jan, 2003 at Seoul & Gyounggi province, a questionnaire composed of four categories; service quality, customers' satisfaction, repurchase intentions, and demographic information is used with reliability (Cronbach’s alpha) of .789 .931. collected questionnaires are examined by factor analysis, reliability analysis, and correlation analysis with Window SPSS 10.0 program Furthermore, One-way ANOVA and multiple.
regression analysis method are used for hypothesis testing. Each hypothesis was tested at the significant level of .05 and Scheffe method is used for decision rule. Based on the study proceedings and methods, the results are as follows:
1) Different perspective on service quality, overall customers' satisfaction by background variables
First, there have been quite differences in recognition of service quality depending on age, marital status, monthly income, period of use, and level of membership fee.
Second, customers with lower monthly income and shorter period of use generally have shown greater satisfaction On the contrary, customer groups with the lowest monthly income have shown the weakest satisfaction.
2) How service quality influences overall customers’ satisfaction
The service quality influences overall customers' satisfaction Among nine subordinate factors of service quality, recognized service quality has a major influence on customers’ satisfaction The level of influence relatively
becomes weak in an order of the relationship between employees, and customers and relationship among customers.
Key Words
aerobics, service quality
Analysis on the Advertising Effects of Sport Star Model`s Attributes According to Types of Product Involvement 스포츠산업,경영 : 제품관여도에 따른 스포츠 스타 모델 속성이 광고효과에 미치는 영향
이종호LeeJongHo , 윤일기YunIlGi
43(2) 307-316, 2004
Analysis on the Advertising Effects of Sport Star Model`s Attributes According to Types of Product Involvement 스포츠산업,경영 : 제품관여도에 따른 스포츠 스타 모델 속성이 광고효과에 미치는 영향
이종호LeeJongHo , 윤일기YunIlGi
The purpose of this study was to examine the advertising effects of sport star model's attributes according to types of product involvement. To accomplish the purpose of this study, 600 university students from six randomly selected Universities in Seoul, Kungki, Chunghung, Youngnam, Kangwon, Honam were surveyed by means of the revised questionnaires.
The content validity and reliability of the questionnaires were determined by conducting a pilot study. The reliability coefficient for the questionnaire was found to be α=.9042~.8321. The questionnaire utilizing a five-point Likert-type scale was employed for ascertaining the degree of importance that each respondent attached to each item. The following statistical methods were applied by employing the SPSS 10.0 version for the statistical analysis; frequency analysis, Cronbach's α, multiple regression, and t-test. For all analyses an alpha level of .05 were used for the research questions.
The results of the study were as follows;
First, the audience had better positive estimation about credibility, expertise and attractiveness in case of low involvement product's advertisement than high involvement product's advertisement.
Second, the credibility and attractiveness of sport star model in case of low involvement product's advertisement significantly influenced advertisement attitude, product attitude, and purchase intention of advertisement audience Finally, attractiveness of sport star model in case of high involvement product's advertisement significantly influenced advertisement attitude, product attitude, and purchase intention of advertisement audience.
Key Words
advertisement attitude, product attitude, purchase intention, attributes of model
The Current Status and Future Prospect of Sport Facility Business in Korea: Focus on the Registered Sport Facilities 스포츠산업,경영 : 스포츠시설운영업 현황과 발전방안 연구: 등록체육시설업을 중심으로
43(2) 317-329, 2004
The Current Status and Future Prospect of Sport Facility Business in Korea: Focus on the Registered Sport Facilities 스포츠산업,경영 : 스포츠시설운영업 현황과 발전방안 연구: 등록체육시설업을 중심으로
With the increase of economic values of sport, the sport industry has taken the important position in terms of gross domestic product(GDP). Sport facility business as a branch of sport industry has rapidly grown as people's leisure time increases and their physical activities become a popular cultural form. This study attempted to investigate the current status of sport facility business and to discuss the future directions for developing the business. The questionnaire method was employed to figure out the business, organization, and personnel situation of sport facility business and to converge the suggestions from the top management of sport facilities. The results showed that the current business of sport facilities doesn't seem to be competitive and profitable: many sport centers lose the money, on-line business is rudimentary, there are few professional staffs, and the organizational structures of some facility business are less efficient. The future prospects are quite different between golf country clubs and general sport centers. Golf facility business' future looks bright but sport centers doesn't. Finally the study suggests the future action plans for developing and prospering sport facility business: the reinforcement of marketing strategies, the establishment of sport information networks, the production of sport business professionals, the expansion of on-line business, the increase of organizational management efficiency, the improvement of facility, the rational decision making from local governments, and the loosening of public regulations and rules against sport facilities.
Key Words
sport facilities, sport industry
The study on the discriminative marketing analysis of professional baseball & football teams 스포츠산업,경영 : 프로야구와 프로축구 구단의 마케팅 요인 차이 분석
43(2) 331-340, 2004
The study on the discriminative marketing analysis of professional baseball & football teams 스포츠산업,경영 : 프로야구와 프로축구 구단의 마케팅 요인 차이 분석
The purpose of this study is that the researchers grasp a specific of sports marketing classified by professional team among different sports or sports of the same kind and then the researchers like to search for different marketing strategy which meets each professional team.
The object of this study limits to professional baseball and soccer among the kinds of sports. There are 108 staffs who work for 8 comtemporary professional baseball team and 69 staffs who work for 11 professional football team.
First of all the researchers confirm that suitable definition to this research is a single dimension with using Cronbach’s Alpha. To analyse differences among marketing strategies in professional teams, the researchers use T-test.
1) All front staffs who work for professional baseball team or professional football team are relatively satisfied with facilities fees related to entrance fee and stadium People can enjoy various leisure activities in modern society. It is the specific of society in these days. Each professional teams should continually fix the present price of entrance ticket and facilities fees. They should set up strategy can lead baseball fans, football fans and public audiences to the stadium And they should also maintain that kind of strategy.
2) In the case of professional baseball, people can watch more comfortable a game than professional football game because they can go to the stadium by public traffic. On the contrary in the case of professional football, it is not easy to go to the stadium to watch a football game. It shows that there are more audiences in professional baseball game than in professional football game. With the consequence that professional football team and front staffs should set up the long plan than fans can go to the stadium comfortably by public traffic.
3) Comparing with the professional football, front staffs in the professional football team recognized already that they don’t have enough cleanness, facilities, electric sign, parking lots, lights, and facilities for advertising. The professional football team should plan for strategy about the that kinds of lack of facilities. So they should try to let the audiences watch a game more comfortable and easier than earlier.
4) The professional baseball teams should positively encourage star players to go abroad and play for abroad baseball team So they should have lots of chances for players to develope their skills and techniques. Also they could offer a lot of fun and good experience about nice game to the baseball fans. It is desired that the professional teams help the fan dubs positively. The professional foothall teams should offer the good quality of game to fans and audiences through various advertising activities with the help of professional baseball team.
Key Words
sport facilities, sport industry
The study on the discriminative marketing analysis of professional soccer team 스포츠산업,경영 : 입장수입규모에 따른 프로축구단 마케팅 요인 차별화 분석
조용찬JoYongChan , 이석인LeeSeogIn
43(2) 341-350, 2004
The study on the discriminative marketing analysis of professional soccer team 스포츠산업,경영 : 입장수입규모에 따른 프로축구단 마케팅 요인 차별화 분석
조용찬JoYongChan , 이석인LeeSeogIn
The purpose of this study was that we grasped a specific of sports marketing classified by professional soccer team search for different marketing strategy which met each professional team.
The object of this study limited to professional soccer among the kinds of sports. There were 69 staffs who worked for 11 comtemporary professional soccer team in our research.
First of all we confirmed that suitable definition to this research was a single dimension with using Cronbach's Alpha. To analyse differences among marketing strategies in professional soccer teams, we used one-way ANOVA. After this test we did Scheffe's various examination.
We could conclude these followed from the result of study.
1) First of all professional teams should get the stadium where audience can watch a game comfortably. The professional team in the high-middle group should also get a good place for stadium in order to increase their income.
2) The professional team in the low-middle group which had a small income should make an investment in the stadium in order to have a large audiences. The lighting was one of the most important elements which made audience comfortable in watching a game after sunset. This kind of facility was very helpful to increase the income.
3) The professional teams which had a few incomes and then included in the low level has to avoid idle management. They should correct their program and continue to develop program with which audiences could be satisfied.
4) In order to develop professional football which accounted for more than half, it needed financial support of company and systematic, effective management of organization. The professional team should continue to develop special strategic for marketing. At the same time it should continue to communicate with fans and league.
Key Words
professional soccer team, discriminative marketing analysis
Examples of Cooperation Between Universities and Local Government for Development of Marine Leisure Sports Tourist a commodity 스포츠산업,경영 : 해양·레저스포츠 관광상품 개발을 위한 대학과 지방자치단체간의 협력 모형 (2)
조재기JoJaeGi , 신영균SinYeongGyun , 손명준SonMyeongJun
43(2) 351-372, 2004
Examples of Cooperation Between Universities and Local Government for Development of Marine Leisure Sports Tourist a commodity 스포츠산업,경영 : 해양·레저스포츠 관광상품 개발을 위한 대학과 지방자치단체간의 협력 모형 (2)
조재기JoJaeGi , 신영균SinYeongGyun , 손명준SonMyeongJun
This study aims to propose a model to develop marine leisure sports into tourism products. In order to obtain objective material, the study utilized precedent studies on the development of marine leisure sports and statistics of local governments and public institutions, and chose related literature study and empirical and descriptive analysis as its primary method of analysis. In order to draw an inductive reasoning to understand the present situation, the study chose the method of case study as the secondary method of analysis through the field survey in the advanced countries of tourism. The tertiary analysis, based on the material from the primary and secondary research, attempted to develop a model of a marine leisure tourism products for Busan.
The research results are as follows:
1. It is necessary to establish a sustainable and organized policy and system through "periodic public hearings" in which local governments and universities cooperate.
2. An index for sustainable tourism development should be developed by research institutions such as universities.
3. In order to construct a competitive theme park or the waterfront, which would require considerable time, technology and financial resources, the central government or local governments should seek foreign investment or make policies for tax cut down.
4. The central government or local governments should be willing to publicize investment opportunities to domestic and foreign companies and to sign an MOU with them.
5. The direction for developing marine-leisure tourism should be divided into tourism product development and tourism attraction development.
Key Words
marine leisure sports, tourism products., local governments and universities cooperate
Sources of Stress & Coping Strategies in High School Dancers 무용학 : 고등학교 무용수의 스트레스 요인과 대처방안
43(2) 375-394, 2004
Sources of Stress & Coping Strategies in High School Dancers 무용학 : 고등학교 무용수의 스트레스 요인과 대처방안
The purpose of the study was to investigate the sources of stress and copying styles in high school dancers. A total of 508 high school dancers (34 males, 473 females) in ballet, modern dance, and traditional dance responded an open-ended questionnaire consisting of three items in order to collect in-depth information about the sources of stress and coping strategies regarding to school-based dance activities. Inductive content analysis of 1,415 responses resulted in six major dimensions of stress : over-exercise demands, schoolwork and course in life, teacher's behaviors, relationship, costs of dance participation, and other stressors. The most significant stressors among dancers were over-exercise(50.9%) and costs of dance participation(18.4%). Coping strategies for overcoming stress were mainly used problem-oriented style(28.9%) and positive style(23.1%). The useful counsellors for clearing up stress among dances were colleagues(39.0%), family(31.6%), and school teachers(18.0%).
Key Words
stressor in dance
The Analysis of Multiple Evaluation to Estimate of Skill Levels in Korean Dance 무용학 : 한국무용수의 숙련도 추정을 위한 다면적 분석
43(2) 395-405, 2004
The Analysis of Multiple Evaluation to Estimate of Skill Levels in Korean Dance 무용학 : 한국무용수의 숙련도 추정을 위한 다면적 분석
The purpose of this study was analysis of multiple evaluation to estimate of skill levels in korean dance. This study was to investigate the change of physical factors(physical fitness, HR, blood glucose, and lactate), psychological factors(self-identity and shinmyun experience) following level of dance performance. The subjects were divided into three groups; high, middle, and low of dance performance. All data were analyzed by ANOVA and Pearson's correlation on of SPSS, accepting level for all significances was above α=.05. The results were as follows :
1. The level of muscle endurance and balance in factors of physical fitness were significantly difference among groups(p<.05).
2. The level of HR, blood glucose and lactate concentration in of physical factors were significantly no difference among groups(p>.05).
3.The level of shinmyun experience factors were significantly difference among groups(p<.05).
4. The level of self-identity factors were significantly no difference among groups(p>.05).
Key Words
korean dance, self-identity, shinmyun experience
The study of Kong Ok-Jin’s dance life and formative background of deformed dance 무용학 : 공옥진의 춤 인생과 병신춤 성립 배경에 관한 연구
43(2) 407-415, 2004
The study of Kong Ok-Jin’s dance life and formative background of deformed dance 무용학 : 공옥진의 춤 인생과 병신춤 성립 배경에 관한 연구
The purpose of this article is to reestablish the recognition of what is true beauty and real human life that we need to pursue. What is the suggestion of thought contained in the dance of Kong Ok-Jin who is the founder of sing and dance drama? That is the distorted self-portrait and the protest to the unfair social system. She sublimates the great grudge to the dance, seeing the many of miserable death of her family. So to speak, her dance is the satisfaction of the grudge to the ups and downs of the life. Ironically her dance is full of more humor and wit than sorrow and pain. There is something spared in her dance nowhere we can see. The space is the consolation to the painful time and love of the isolated people. Her deformed dance that was the sacrifice for the living of her family, nowaday makes people laugh and cry. She is the unprecedented founder who modernizes the traditional dance through the sing and dance drama formed in the art of korean traditional dance. She comprehends all the people with love in spite of her youth in the contempt born as a clown in the slum. We dare to say her dance is the substance of the spirit in the korean dance and beautiful figure of korean.
Key Words
kong ok-jin, deformed dance
The role of dancer for a creation of base of national unification 무용학 : 민족 통일 기반 조성을 위한 무용인의 역할
43(2) 417-424, 2004
The role of dancer for a creation of base of national unification 무용학 : 민족 통일 기반 조성을 위한 무용인의 역할
South and North Korea must carve out the future of our nation putting out the barrier which is interspersed by opposition and the antagonism in order to launches out the prosperity of Korean for 21 century and to open the Korean Peninsula era in a world-wide. Cultural exchange in the social culture field such as dance which can contribute in the long-term aim and overcome the heterogeneity of South and North Korea is embossed. Specially the flow and cooperation of dance field will be deeply meaningful because it can arouse the interest and attention of the south and north Korean. The activity of exchange in terms civilian is necessary to overcomes the separation and heterogeneity during the half a century and to have a progressive social integration. The objective of this research is to show the necessary role of dancer for the unification of South and North Korea.
The role of the dancer for the construction of the Nation Unity Foundation;
First of all, it should be held a Korean's Dance Conference by united North and South.
Secondly, it should be established a substantial research facility such as a North and South Culture & Art Exchange Laboratory.
Thirdly, it should be performed as a mediator role among overseas Korean dancers.
Finally, it should be developed the Exchange Model for North and South's homogeneous recovery.
We should achieve the nation unification in a short term as not focusing on the separation but on unity and as studying the cultural characteristics and its differences for leading and activating those works. As the culture couldn't be impressed more on people's heart, above all things, the dance with a human's body can carry the wish of nation unity to the deep heart.
Key Words
dancer, korea, unification
The Comparison of psychological well-being according to Dance majors 무용학 : 무용 전공별 심리적 행복감의 차이비교
43(2) 425-431, 2004
The Comparison of psychological well-being according to Dance majors 무용학 : 무용 전공별 심리적 행복감의 차이비교
The purpose of this study was to shed light on the understanding of comparison psychological well-being according to the dance major. In an attempt to finding out the result, two groups of subjects were selected. One was those who major in dance program in college. The other group were non-dance majors. More specifically, among the total of 276 subjects Ballet majors were 32; Modern dance majors were 57; Korean dance majors were 141; non majors are 135. The methods utilized in this research were questionnaires self-reported method.
The statistical method used to analyse the data were t-test and one-way ANOVA, which tested the differences between the two groups.
The findings through this process were below:
First, depending on whether one majors dance or not, those who majors dance show more psychological well-being than the non-major group.
Second, in terms of physical pleasure as factor of sub-well-beinged among those majoring dance, Ballet majors showed the most well-being. The next was Modern dance majors and the least well-being was Korean tradition dance majors. In terms of self-actualization the order was Korean traditional and Modern dance and Ballet. Finally in confidence the order was Modern dance, Ballet, and Korean traditional dance.
Third, individual dancing showed more well-being than group dancing in all the areas above.
Key Words
psychological well-being
The effect of 12week walking exercise on blood pressure of postmenopausal women 운동생리학 : 12주 걷기 운동이 폐경기 여성의 혈압에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of 12-week walking exercise on arterial blood pressure(BP) in postmenopausal women. The 13 postmenopausal women with high normal or stageⅠ (Resting systolic BP/diastolic BP; 148±4.3 mmHg/96±3.1mmHg) were volunteered for this study (Age; 56.8±1.8 yr, Height; 154.3±2.0 cm, Body Weight; 64.9±3.0 kg). The walking program was treadmill walking and running for 30-60 min/4-days/12-weeks. The walking distance was progressively increased for whole training period (pre; 1600.9±88.3m/day, 6wks; 3651.0±257.7m/day, 12wks; 4818.5±261.8m/day, p<0.05). The maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max) was significantly increased during training (pre; 22.7±0.6 ml/kg/min, 6wks; 24.1±0.7 ml/kg/min, 12wks; 25.3±0.7 ml/kg/min, p<0.05). The resting arterial blood pressures at 6-week training were significantly reduced in comparison with blood pressures prior to training (Systolic BP; -6 mmHg, Diastolic BP; -4 mmHg, p<0.05) and further significantly decreased at 12 weeks of exercise compared to blood pressures at 6 week of training (Systolic BP; -6 mmHg, p< 0.05). The plasma insulin level was significantly reduced during 12-week training period. but plasma glucose and lipids were not significantly changed during 12-week training period. Therefore, the results of this study suggest that 12-week walking exercise can significantly reduce the arterial blood pressures in postmenopausal hypertensive women.
The Effect of Short term Vitamin E Supplementation on the Lipid Peroxide and SOD, CAT Activity after Submaximal Exercise 운동생리학 : 단기간 비타민 E 섭취가 최대하 운동후 지질과산화물 및 SOD, CAT 활성도에 미치는 영향
The Effect of Short term Vitamin E Supplementation on the Lipid Peroxide and SOD, CAT Activity after Submaximal Exercise 운동생리학 : 단기간 비타민 E 섭취가 최대하 운동후 지질과산화물 및 SOD, CAT 활성도에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of short term vitamin E supplementation on the lipid peroxide(MDA) and the antioxidant enzymes(superoxide dismutase; SOD, catalase; CAT) after submaximal exercise. 14 male students in the C university were selected as subjects. The subjects were divided into two groups : experiment group (7) and placebo group (7).
The results of this study were as follows ; MDA concentration of the experiment group was lower than that of the placebo group, The difference of MDA concentration according to the treatment period was significant difference between pre-supplementation and 4 weeks supplementation. There was no significant difference in SOD of each group and treatment period, There was no interaction between group and treatment period on SOD. There was no significant difference in CAT of each group and treatment period, There was no interaction between group and treatment period on CAT.
In conclusion, the vitamin E supplementation for 4 weeks decreased the MDA creation after submaximal exercise but did not affect SOD and CAT, which are antioxidant enzymes.
Key Words
short term vitamine E supplementation, lipid peroxide(MDA), SOD, CAT
Effects of graded maximal exercise test of upper and lower extremities on Cardiopulmonary in adult hemiplegia 운동생리학 : 상·하지 점증 부하 최대운동이 성인 편마비 장애인의 심폐기능에 미치는 영향
김재성KimJaeSeong , 김성수KimSeongSu , 지용석JiYongSeog
43(2) 453-461, 2004
Effects of graded maximal exercise test of upper and lower extremities on Cardiopulmonary in adult hemiplegia 운동생리학 : 상·하지 점증 부하 최대운동이 성인 편마비 장애인의 심폐기능에 미치는 영향
김재성KimJaeSeong , 김성수KimSeongSu , 지용석JiYongSeog
The purpose of this study was to find the cardiopulmonary function between upper extremities by arm ergometer exercise and lower extremities by cycle ergometer exercise in adult hemiplegia.
The subjects selected for the experiment were composed of 20 male and female(ll male adult hemiplegia, 9 male normal subjects).
The subjects were given an explanation of all laboratory procedures before they consented They performed continuous incremental work load test by way of arm ergometer(Cybex MET300™, U.SA) and cycle ergometer(Cybex MET100™, USA). They were warmed up with 60RPM at 0 watt for 2 minute and thereafter the work rate was gradually increased 125 watt every 2 minute and thereafter the work rate was gradually increased 12.5 watt every 2 minute until exhaustion in maximal arm ergometer exercise test. Also, They were pedalled with 60RPM at the begining with unloads for 2 minute and thereafter the work rate was gradually increased 125 watt every 2 minute until exhaustion in maximal cycle ergometer exercise test. Respiratory gas was analyzed by automated respiratory ags analyzer, Quinton(USA) every 20 second.
Statistical techniques for data analysis were applied 2 way repeated measure ANOVA The 0.05 level of significance was used as the critical level for rejection of the null hypotheses for the study.
On the basis of the results analyzed in this study, conclusions were drawn as follow
1) Significant differences in HRpeak were observed between the 2 groups (male adult hemiplegia and normal male on arm ergometer and cycle ergometer (p=0.001) during graded maximal exercise.
2) Significant differences in VO2peak were observed between the 2 groups ( male adult hemiplegia and normal male on arm ergometer and cycle ergometer(p=0.0002) during graded maximal exercise.
3) Significant differences in VO2peak/kg were observed between the 2 groups (male adult hemiplegia and male normal on arm ergometer and cycle ergometer(p=0.0001) during graded maximal exercise.
Key Words
hemiplegia, arm ergometer, cycle ergometer, coronary atrery disease
Fatness and estimate of percent body fat corresponding to the body mass index percentile cutoff value on middle school girls 운동생리학 : 체질량지수 백분위수 절사 값에 따른 여중생의 비만도와 체지방률 추정
김태운KimTaeUn , 박태곤ParkTaeGon
43(2) 463-471, 2004
Fatness and estimate of percent body fat corresponding to the body mass index percentile cutoff value on middle school girls 운동생리학 : 체질량지수 백분위수 절사 값에 따른 여중생의 비만도와 체지방률 추정
김태운KimTaeUn , 박태곤ParkTaeGon
The purpose of this study was to evaluate fatness and estimate of percent body fat corresponding to the body mass index percentile cutoff value on middle school girls aged 13-15years. Healthy 931 adolescents girls were participated in this study, divided into three grades, 1st grade(324), 2nd grade(323) and 3rd grade(284). All subjects were measured in body height and body weight to calculate body mass index (BMI), and body composition such as fat mass (FM), fat free mass (FFM) and percent body fat (%BF) were measured by bioelectrical impedance analyses(Healthkeeper, Bizmedic. Co, Korea) to compare each grade's fatness and to estimate of %BF. Statistical analyses were performed with SPSS 10 software, and statistical processes were all performed at significant level of .05. The results of this study were as follows;
1. There was significant differences among three grades in means of height, and weight, FFM and FM were significant differences between 1st grade and 2nd or 3rd grade, but BMI and %BF were significant difference between 1st grade and 3rd grade.
2. The prevalence of obesity showed higher in 1st grade than in 2nd and 3rd grade.
3. Each grade's %BF cutoff values at underweight, overweight and obesity corresponding to BMI percentiles cutoff showed that 1st grade was 11.3, 32.5, 37.7%, 2nd grade was 12.1, 33.8, 38.9%, and 3rd grade was 15.4, 35.3, 39.4%.
The estimated %BF cutoff values were only based on middle school girl students in this study. Given there is a growing number of obese children and teenagers in recent times, however, further studies should be performed with wide range of students and set up more objective standards to evaluate %BF.
Key Words
body composition, body mass index, fatness, percent body fat, obesity
The change of human growth hormone and insuline-like growth factor-1 during strength training and detraining 운동생리학 : 저항성 트레이닝 및 디트레이닝 동안의 성장호르몬과 IGF-1의 변화
소재무SoJaeMu , 서진희SeoJinHui
43(2) 473-481, 2004
The change of human growth hormone and insuline-like growth factor-1 during strength training and detraining 운동생리학 : 저항성 트레이닝 및 디트레이닝 동안의 성장호르몬과 IGF-1의 변화
소재무SoJaeMu , 서진희SeoJinHui
The purpose of this study was to investigate the change of human growth hormone and insuline-like growth factor-1 during 8 weeks strength training(80% of 1RM, 3days per week), 4 weeks detraining. Fifteen healthy men (age:; 24.9±2.6years, hight; 176.7±4.6cm, weight; 72.3±6.0kg) volunteered to participate in this study. Pre-, postexercise(8 weeks strength training) and detraining(2weeks, 4weeks) blood samples were obtained and analyzed for growth hormone and insulin-like growth factor-1(IGF-1). Plasma growth hormone level was significantly increased after the 8 weeks strength training(p<.05). There was significant difference in human growth hormone between 8 weeks weight training and 4 weeks detraining(p<.05). After strength training, plasma IGF-1 concentration was significantly increased(p<.05). There was no significantly difference in IGF-1 between 2 weeks and 4weeks of detraining. The increase in human growth hormone level returned to the basal level(the level before the strength training) in 4 weeks after the cessation of exercise training. IGF-1 level was maintained during 4 weeks of detraining by 8 weeks strength training effect. The results of this study showed that 8weeks strength training increases the growth hormone and IGF-1 level significantly
Key Words
human growth hormone, insulin-like growth factor-1
Effects of pyridoxine supplementation on cardiorespiratory function and TC/HDL-C ratio in college women 운동생리학 : Pyridoxine 섭취가 여대생의 심폐기능과 TC/HDL-C ratio에 미치는 영향
Effects of pyridoxine supplementation on cardiorespiratory function and TC/HDL-C ratio in college women 운동생리학 : Pyridoxine 섭취가 여대생의 심폐기능과 TC/HDL-C ratio에 미치는 영향
The purpopse of this study was to determine the effect of pyridoxine supplementation on ventilation(VE), maximal oxygen uptake(O₂max), respiratory quotient(RQ), O₂pulse, maximal heart rate(HRmax), rating perceived exertion(RPE), and TC/HDL-C ratio. 14 college females were participated in 30 days study and they were randomly assigned to one of the three groups, i.e., GroupⅠ(n=4): placebo (2.4mg/day); GroupⅡ(n=5): pyridoxine (1.6mg/day); GroupⅢ(n=5): pyridoxine(2.4mg/day). Study subjects completed a maximal oxygen uptake treadmill test(modified Bruce protocol), and measured a self reported rating perceived exertion, before and after the treatment. The scheffe's multiple range test, analysis of covariance, and analysis of regression were used to determine the statistical significance.
There were no group differences in the VE, O₂max, RQ, HRmax, RPE, exercise works, and exercise time, and TC/HDL-C ratio, but O₂pulse was significantly changed(p〈0.05).
In conclusion, it appears that taking 1.6-2.4 mg/day for 30 days of pyridoxine cannot increase the aerobic exercise capacity and TC/HDL-C ratio in college females.
Key Words
pyridoxine, aerobic exercise capacity
The effects of albumin and pyruvate ingestion and exercise in level of ventilation threshold on energy metabolism 운동생리학 : 알부민, 초성포도산염 투여와 환기역치 수준에서의 운동이 에너지 대사 변인에 미치는 영향
43(2) 493-499, 2004
The effects of albumin and pyruvate ingestion and exercise in level of ventilation threshold on energy metabolism 운동생리학 : 알부민, 초성포도산염 투여와 환기역치 수준에서의 운동이 에너지 대사 변인에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of albumin and pyruvate ingestion on energy metabolism following two different treatments methods(placebo[PL], albumin+pyruvate[AP] ingestion). Nine healthy male collegiate students participated as subjects after signing an informed consent. The submaximal exercise intensity of this study was the ventilation threshold(VT) of subjects which was determinated using V-slope method during graded maximal exercise test on the treadmill(Ramp protocol). To comparative analysis on the effect of fat metabolism during submaximal exercise(40min) after ingestion of albumin and pyruvate it was compared the energy metabolic variables included oxygen consumption(VO2), respiratory exchange ratio(RER), fat oxidation ratio(Fat %).
This study was used 2×5 two way repeated measure ANOVA to analyze energy metabolic variables among two treatment methods(PL, AP) and five measurement periods(rest, exercise, recovery 10, 30, 60min), and used contrast(simple, repeated) to post-hoc test.
First, there were significant difference among PL, AP in oxygen consumption(VO2), respiratory exchange ratio(RER), fat oxidation ration(Fat %). Especially, there were not significant difference between PL and AP treatment method in energy metabolic variables. Second, in energy metabolic variables, there were significant difference among measurement periods(rest, exercise, recovery 10, 30, 60min) and all variables have significant difference in rest period in comparison with other periods.
In summary, results of this study revealed that albumin and pyruvate have the beneficial effects on exercise performance and glycogen sparing by fat metabolism facilitation. effect. Especially, AP treatment method has the high effect on fat metabolism. Therefore the effect of various ergogenic aids should be adapt the program of weight control as well as the improvement of exercise performance.
Key Words
albumin, pyruvate, ventilation threshold, VT
The effects of curcumin supplementation on oxidative damage to DNA in synchronized swimmers 운동생리학 : Curcumin 섭취가 싱크로 수영 선수의 DNA 산화적 손상에 미치는 영향
이수옥LeeSuOg , 조준용JoJunYong
43(2) 501-509, 2004
The effects of curcumin supplementation on oxidative damage to DNA in synchronized swimmers 운동생리학 : Curcumin 섭취가 싱크로 수영 선수의 DNA 산화적 손상에 미치는 영향
이수옥LeeSuOg , 조준용JoJunYong
The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of antioxidant, curcumin(600㎎/day) treatment on increased oxidative stress(levels of GSH, GSSG, MDA and oxidative DNA damage in peripheral blood) in elite synchronized swimmers exposed to a swimming exercise protocol. The subjects were divided into two groups : one group of 6 elite synchronized swimmers(aged 19.5±1.8years) with curcumin supplementation and second group of 6 elite synchronized swimmers(aged 19.1±1.3years) with placebo supplementation. Curcumin is the most important antioxidant in an earlier line of defence in lipid peroxidation. Elite synchronized swimmers were performed to swim for 6 hours in a day. Blood was taken at rest, at rest after ingesting curcumin, immediately after swimming exercise, recovery after 60min and recovery after 120 min for determination of GSH, GSSG, MDA and oxidative DNA damage(8-hydroxy-2'-deoxyguanosine: 8-OHdG). In curcumin supplemented elite synchronized swimmers, the GSH response was observed to be significantly higher and levels of GSSG, MDA and oxidative DNA damage was significantly lower than synchronized swimmers supplemented with placebo. Oxidative DNA damage was correlated significantly with plasma level of lipid peroxidation and as a risk factor for the development of cancer. These data suggest that curcumin supplemented might protect elite synchronized swimmers from oxidative damage and reduce other disease caused by free radicals associated with exhaustive prolonged swimming exercise.
Key Words
8-OHdG, 8-hydroxy-2-deoxyguanosine, GSH, GSSG, MDA, DNA
The Change of Post Treadmill Exercise on Blood Pressure and Vascular Compliance in Essential Hypertension Patients 운동생리학 : 본태성고혈압 환자의 트레드밀 운동 후 혈압과 혈관탄성의 변화
이종호LeeJongHo , 황보연HwangBoYeon , 남상남NamSangNam
43(2) 511-520, 2004
The Change of Post Treadmill Exercise on Blood Pressure and Vascular Compliance in Essential Hypertension Patients 운동생리학 : 본태성고혈압 환자의 트레드밀 운동 후 혈압과 혈관탄성의 변화
이종호LeeJongHo , 황보연HwangBoYeon , 남상남NamSangNam
The Propose of this study was to analyze the change of post exercise of acute treadmill exercise on blood pressure and vascular compliance in essential hypertension patients. Twenty volunteers were studied : hypertension group(10), normal group(10). The experimental group was practicing on a treadmill at 60%HRmax exercise intensity for 30 minutes. We measured blood pressure and vascular compliance on 30minuses pre-exercise, 0, 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180, 210, 240, 270, 300 minuses post-exercise. This data were analyzed by independent t-test and repeated measure ANOVA.
The result was as follows:
After 60% HRmax exercise, the systolic pressure of the hypertensive decreases up to 25mmHg. The maximum decrease of blood pressure occurs at 30 minutes after the exercise, and this decreasing effect is kept up for 5 hours. The vascular compliance of the right foot of the hypertensive shows the highest level at 60 minutes after the exercise and normal level up to 180 minutes. The increase of vascular compliance continues for 5 hours. The vascular compliance of the left foot of the hypertensive increases continuously by 150 minutes after the exercise and shows normal level up to 180 minutes. The increase of vascular compliance continues for 5 hours.
The effect of prolonged exercise on pro and macroglycogen metabolism in diabetic rat skeletal muscle 운동생리학 : 장시간의 운동 및 회복이 당뇨 쥐의 골격근 내 pro & macroglycogen 대사에 미치는 영향
The effect of prolonged exercise on pro and macroglycogen metabolism in diabetic rat skeletal muscle 운동생리학 : 장시간의 운동 및 회복이 당뇨 쥐의 골격근 내 pro & macroglycogen 대사에 미치는 영향
Glycogen exists in two distinguish forms, proglycogen (PG, add-insoluble, ~400 kDa) and macroglycogen (MG, add-soluble, -40,000 kDa) and it regulated differently during exercise and recovery period in normal skeletal muscle. However, little is known about the physiological and the metabolic differences between these two forms of glycogen in diabetic muscles. We investigated that the effects of single bout of exercise on PG and MG mobilization and resynthesis during exercise and recovery period in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats.
Eighty rats were used and were divided into two experimental conditions: either control (COM) or streptozotocin-induced diabetic (DM). Animals in each condition were randomly assigned to one of five groups: sacrificed at resting condition without exercise (REST), sacrificed immediately after exercise (OH), sacrificed lh after postexercise (1H), sacrificed 4h after postexercie (4H), sacrificed 24h after postexerise (24H). All animals in exercising groups swam for 3hr (30min x 6 bouts), then red vastus lateralis was dissected out and freezed for further analysis.
Hasma glucose concentration at rest and recovery time (0 hr, 1 hr, 4hr, 24 hr) were significantly higher in DM than CON (P< ,01). Total glycogen contents at rest were not significantly different between both groups (P >.05) but exercise induced a significant reduction at immediately and 1H after exercise (P〈.05). After 4hr of recovery period, total glycogen was only restored in CON (but not in The patterns of PG depletion and resynthesis during exercise and recovery were mostly same as total glycogen. Prolonged exercise resulted in significant decrease in PG contents at 0H in both groups. MG contents at rest were significantly higher in DM compared to CON (P<.05) and significantly decreased at immediately and 1H after exercise in both groups(P<.05). The pattern of MG depletion and resynthesis in DM were different from CON group' and especially MG resynthesis in DM were not restored to rest value ever after 24H of recovering(P<.05; Fig 4). It was concluded that there was no significant difference between total glycogen and PG showing similar patterns but it was significantly different in glycogen metabolism between normal and diabetic skeletal muscle during both exercise and recovery period.
Key Words
exercise, type 1 diabetes, hyperglycemia, proglycogen, macroglycogen, timecourse
Effects of Cross-Training on Cardiorespiratory Function in the Long Distance Runners 운동생리학 : 크로스 - 트레이닝이 장거리육상선수의 심폐기능에 미치는 영향
This study analyzed the change of cardiorespiratory function. The male long distance runners(n=21)in high school trained for 12 weeks divided into 3 groups, which are CT group(n=7), ST group(n=7) and RT group(n=7) for studying effect on Cross-training. The CT group was operated running training for 3days(Mon., Wed., Fri.) and circuit weight training for 3days(Tue., Thu., Sat.) with 6 times/week, and ST group was operated running training for 3days(Mon., Wed., Fri.) and swimming training for 3days(Tue., Thu., Sat.) with 6 times/week, and RT group was operated only running training with 6 times/week. Also, running training was operated in the same way with similar training condition between 3group as possible. All data were expressed as mean and standard deviations by using SPSS Window 11.0 package program, and were analyzed by using paired t-test to evaluate the difference of within groups and were analyzed using two-way ANOVA to evaluate the difference of between groups. For the posttest, Duncan-test was employed. The significance level for all statistical processes is .05. The results are as follows; 1)HRrest decreased within 3 groups, and was no difference between groups. 2)VO2max increased within 3 groups, and CT, ST group increased more significantly than RT group. 3)Emax increased within 3 groups, and was no difference between groups. 4)Exhaustion time increased within 3 groups, and CT, ST group increased more significantly than RT group.
According to this result, CT, ST group in cardiorespiratory function shows more profitable change than RT group does. Cross-training combining circuit weight training with running training and swimming training with running training is more useful training method for improving long distance runners performance.
Key Words
cross-training swimming training
Effects of dexamethasone supplementations on muscle damage recovery in rats 운동생리학 : 덱사메타손 투여가 신장성 운동에 의한 근 부상 후 회복에 미치는 영향
43(2) 537-547, 2004
Effects of dexamethasone supplementations on muscle damage recovery in rats 운동생리학 : 덱사메타손 투여가 신장성 운동에 의한 근 부상 후 회복에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of dexamethasone supplementations on chemical markers of muscle damages, which occurs during downhill treadmill running(16% decline, 30m/min, 1h), in 16 Sprague-Dawley rats. The rats were randomly divided into two groups. They were control group(CON) and dexamethasone adminstration group(DEX). The dexamethasone dminstration group had 0.1mg/kg/day after downhill running. The chemical markers examined in this study included metabolic enzymes such as creatine phosphokinase(CPK) and lactate dehydrogenase(LDH) and hormones(testosterone and cortisol) in circulating plasma. In addition, plasma concentrations of glucose, insulin, leptin and lipids were also measured along with muscle mass, retroperitoneal fat mass, running time to exhaustion. Two-way ANOVA followed by LSD post hoc tests were used to test possible group by treatment interactions, and the results were as follows:
1) With respect to plasma CPK activity, there were no significant group(p>.05) and significant time main effects(p< .05), with no significant group by time interaction; the DEX group had significantly lower CPK activity than the control group at the 48-hr postexerise period.
2) With respect to plasma LDH activity, there was a no significant group and time(p >.05), with significant group by time interaction(p< .05).
3) There were a no significant group by time interaction for testosterone and cortisol concentrations(p >.05).
4) There were significant group differences in growth body weight percent changes(p<.05).
5) There were significantly higher values to the ratio of soleus muscle to body weight, than the CON(p< .05).
6) There were no significantly to the ratio of gastrocnemius muscle to body weight(p >.05).
7) There were significantly lower values to the ratio of retroperitoneal fat to body weight, than the CON(p<.05).
Kinematical Analysis of Bowling Throw Motion 운동역학 : 볼링 투구동작의 운동학적 분석
43(2) 551-559, 2004
Kinematical Analysis of Bowling Throw Motion 운동역학 : 볼링 투구동작의 운동학적 분석
This study was conducted to provide useful information for bowling instruction by dividing the throw motion of bowling into five sections and analyzing how different all kinematical variants, which include strides and required time in each section, factors in the peak of back swing, factors before and after the release, the speed change of ball, are between the expert and novice group. The conclusion from this study is as follows.
1. The order of the stride size by sections showed differences in groups. The distance of the last step was the longest, which was considered that it was for posing more stably at the moment of the release.
2. The body-centered horizontal speed didn't have differences in groups but increased gradually showing the order of push away < down swing < back swing < forward swing. The novice group generally showed slower windup, so its required time by sections and horizontal speed were lower than the expert group.
3. It is regarded that it is necessary for the novice group to make the height of the ball much higher at the peak of back swing.
4. At the moment of release, the left knee angle of the novice group was significantly larger than the expert group. It may be one of the reasons that its center of body is high.
5. The novice group had short sliding distances. While the left foot slid, the moving tracks of the right foot were irregular.
6. The novice group's horizontal speed of the ball was very slow at the moment of release. In general, fast movement and flexible windup are required for the group.
Key Words
The study of pelvis and lower extremity during a developpe derriere 운동역학 : Developpe derriere 수행시 골반과 하지 신체정렬에 관한 사례연구
이경화LeeGyeongHwa , 박기자ParkGiJa , 권문석KwonMunSeog
43(2) 561-568, 2004
The study of pelvis and lower extremity during a developpe derriere 운동역학 : Developpe derriere 수행시 골반과 하지 신체정렬에 관한 사례연구
이경화LeeGyeongHwa , 박기자ParkGiJa , 권문석KwonMunSeog
The purpose of this study was to present proper alignment of pelvis and lower extremity using orientation angles during a developpe derriere. Data were collected by Kwon3D program. Two females professional modern dancer were participated in this experiment. Subjects performed a developpe derriere in meddle heights(about 90°)
The results were as follows:
1. The orientation angle of pelvis against trunk was leaned on toward about 40°, and right and left in frontal aspect paralleled the trunk, forward and backward in rotation aspect showed forward rotation about 30°
2. The orientation angle of thigh against pelvis showed a change of angle about 28° in axes of X and thigh was showing adduction about 15° and internal rotation about 25°.
3. The orientation angle of shank against thigh showed a change of angle about 11° in axes of X and shank was showing the range of the adduction about 5° and the range of the internal rotation from 5° to 6°.
4. The orientation angle of foot against shank aligned about 11° in axes of X and foot was showing the range of the inversion, eversion from 3° to 5° and the range of the supination about 5°.
Key Words
developpe derriere, orientation angle, alignment
Difference of propulsive strategies according to the changes of speed in wheelchair movement during treadmill 운동역학 : 트레드밀 상에서 휠체어 추진시 속도 변화에 따른 추진 기술의 차이 규명
43(2) 569-574, 2004
Difference of propulsive strategies according to the changes of speed in wheelchair movement during treadmill 운동역학 : 트레드밀 상에서 휠체어 추진시 속도 변화에 따른 추진 기술의 차이 규명
The purpose of this study was to investigate propulsive strategies of the wheelchair with changes of treadmill speed (1.11, 1.39, 1.67, and 2.22 m/s). Nine basketball-wheelchair college athletes were participated in this study. The model of basketball wheelchair (Model: BW-02) was 16 degrees of camber, 61cm of the size of rearwheel, 32cm of the height of seatback, 41cm of seat length, 38cm of the width of frame, and 56cm of the height of the frame. Two dimensional analysis was performed with using recorded data from VHS camera. ANOVA was used for statistical analysis. The results of this study was followed. First, according to the increases of speed, the recovery time remained constant whereas cycle time was decreased with decreases of propulsive time. The decreases of cycle time caused the increases of propulsive frequency. Second, the beginning of angle was decreased with increases of speed. While the end of angle was increased, there was no changes in propulsive angle. Third, with increases of speed, hand was closely approached to the TDC. This explained that the direction of force was apply to the vertical axis. It decreased the negative horizontal force of upper body and wheelchair. Fourth, there were characteristics of performance between push and pull range of handrim at the low speed. However, there was found for the push range at the high speed. This study analyzed the differences of propulsive strategies on treadmill. It would guide to plan for wheelchair training program and to teach strategies
The Nonlinear Repeated Measures Designs and Cohort-Sequential Designs by Latent Growth Model 측정평가 : 잠재성장모형에 의한 비 선형 반복 측정설계와 종단적 가교설계
박재현ParkJaeHyeon , 강상조KangSangJo
43(2) 577-589, 2004
The Nonlinear Repeated Measures Designs and Cohort-Sequential Designs by Latent Growth Model 측정평가 : 잠재성장모형에 의한 비 선형 반복 측정설계와 종단적 가교설계
박재현ParkJaeHyeon , 강상조KangSangJo
The purpose of this study is to introduce a method on the nonlinear repeated measures designs and Cohort-Sequential Designs by Latent Growth Model (LGM). LGM is a relatively new statistical model for the analysis of repeated measures data. LGM combines elements of MANOVA and structural equation modeling (SEM) to capture aspects of longitudinal change. Unlike MANOVA, LGM takes into account variance in the latent variable and differs from traditional SEM in that it computes a mean for the latent variable. Traditional statistical approaches to repeated measures data analysis uses Repeated Measure Analysis of Variance (RM ANOVA) whereas the LGM. Regression, ANOVA and RM ANOVA are traditional methods using General Linear Model (GLM). The RM ANOVA tests for differences between the means and for linear trends. But The LGM analysis estimates nonlinear trends, variances of measured and latent variables, relationship between latent variable variances, and means of latent variables (initial level and rate of change). CSD is linked overlapping measurements of cohorts (note: CSD depicts the generation of six-year growth trajectory (grades 1 through 6) from four years of data (wave 1=first, second, third, fourth; wave 2= third, fourth, fifth, sixth)). Therefore, the follow-up period for data collection is shorter, thus reducing expenses and attrition and unlike panel data that confound age effects (those related to maturation) and period effects (those due to historical events), observations between same-age participants at time 1, time 2, time 3, time 4 can be contrasted. LGM can be a very useful statistical model for the research in exercise science and physical education field.
The Attitudes of Parents on Sport Socialization of Children with Disabilities: Cross Cultural Comparison between K and A Parents 특수체육 : 장애아동의 스포츠 사회화에 대한 부모의 태도: 한국과 미국 부모의 비교를 중심으로
43(2) 593-600, 2004
The Attitudes of Parents on Sport Socialization of Children with Disabilities: Cross Cultural Comparison between K and A Parents 특수체육 : 장애아동의 스포츠 사회화에 대한 부모의 태도: 한국과 미국 부모의 비교를 중심으로
With the development of legal mandates for including children with disabilities in educational and social areas (e.g., physical activity programs and leisure services), the positive or negative attitude of parents about inclusion of children with disabilities plays an important role in sports socialization of children with disabilities. However, most studies have assessed only parents of children with disabilities, and they have not addressed a comparison of cultural perspectives regarding the attitude of parents having children without disabilities.
This study was undertaken to compare the attitudes of Korean and American parents of children without disabilities toward sports socialization of children with disabilities, and to explore the connection between parents of children without disabilities and the disabled children's sport participation in schools or in society. Participants consisted of 15 Korean parents and 15 American parents. A questionnaire, modified from the version of Kozub and Poretta (1998) regarding the coaches' attitudes and that of Kim (1994) regarding the parents' attitudes, and an interview technique were used for this study.
This study indicated that the Korean parents have more negative attitudes about sports socialization for children with disabilities than the American parents in terms of the differences of the parents' experience with special education and parents' experience of a connection to family or friend with disabilities. A large sample size is needed for further study.
Key Words
parental attitudes, sport socialization, children with disabilities
The Effects of Horseback Riding on the Balance Improvement of the Children with Cerebral Palsy 특수체육 : 승마운동이 뇌성마비 아동의 평형성 향상에 미치는 효과
한상철HanSangCheol , 추호근ChuHoGeun , 이상호LeeSangHo
43(2) 601-610, 2004
The Effects of Horseback Riding on the Balance Improvement of the Children with Cerebral Palsy 특수체육 : 승마운동이 뇌성마비 아동의 평형성 향상에 미치는 효과
한상철HanSangCheol , 추호근ChuHoGeun , 이상호LeeSangHo
This study applied a horseback riding exercise program to children with cerebral palsy and measured and analyzed the improvement of their balance in order to identify the effects of horseback riding exercise. For this purpose, the researcher selected a total of 9 children with cerebral palsy from S Rehabilitation School in Gyeonggi-do and children belonging to the Korean Society for the Cerebral Palsied in Seoul, and executed a three-month horseback riding exercise program composed of one-month horseback riding exercise, one-month stoppage, and another one-month horseback riding exercise. horseback riding exercise was conducted twice a week and 30 minutes at each time.
Collected data were analyzed using SPSS 10.0. For each variable its mean value and standard deviation were calculated and a one-way repeated measuring analysis was carried out using the four measurements as repeated measuring factors. Statistically significant differences were verified through t-test on paired samples. According to the results of this study, the researcher drew conclusions as follows.
According to the results of applying the horseback riding exercise to children with cerebral palsy and measuring their static balance, horseback riding exercise appeared to affect the improvement of their static balance. As the conclusions suggest that the horseback riding exercise program has improved the static and dynamic balance of children with cerebral palsy, horseback riding exercise is considered effective in improving the balance of children with cerebral palsy.
Key Words
horseback riding, cerebral palsy, balance
Effects of Combined Training on Cardiorespiratory Function and Blood Component in the Long Distance Runners 발육발달 : 복합훈련이 장거리 육상선수의 심폐기능과 혈액성분에 미치는 영향
This study analyzed the change of cardiorespiratory function and blood component. The male long distance runners(n=14) in high school trained for 12 weeks dividing into 2 groups, which are CT group(n=7) and RT group(n=7) for studying effect on Combined training. The CT group was operated running for 3 days(Mon., Wed., Fri.) and circuit weight training for 3days(Tue., Thu., Sat.) with 6 times/week, and RT group was operated only running training with 6 times/week. Also, running training was operated in the same way with similar training condition between 2 group as possible. All data were expressed as mean and standard deviations by using SPSS window 10.0 package program, and were analyzed by using paired t-test toevaluate the difference ofwithin groups and were analyzed using t-test to evaluate the difference of between groups. These statistical processes were all performed at the signficance lavel is .05. The results are as follow.
1. HRrest decreased within two groups, and was no difference between groups.
2. O2max increased within two groups, and CT group increased more significant than RT group.
3. Emax increased within two groups, and was no difference between groups.
4. Exhaustion time increased within two groups, and CT group increased more significant than RT group.
5. Red blood corpuscle increased within two groups, and CT group increased more significant than RT group.
6. Hemoglobin increased within two groups, and no difference between groups.
7. Hematocrit was no difference within groups and between groups.
Accordingly to this result,, CT group in cardiorespiratory function and blood component shows more profitable change than RT group does. Combined training which is Combined CWT(circuit weight training)+running training is more useful training method for improving long distance runners performance.